About us

Hi, I’m Darren. I was born and bred just outside London, and as far away from the Rugby League heartlands as it’s possible to be.

There’s just something special about this great sport though that’s had me gripped since I was a kid, watching the likes of Jason Robinson and Kris Radlinski carving open defences for Wigan. That’s right, sorry to say, I am a Wigan fan, but it’s the game as a whole that’s had me hooked from childhood, not just one team.

Of course, as a southerner, I have something of a connection to London Broncos as well, having seen them live the most times of any club, and since Sam Burgess rocked up at South Sydney Rabbitohs in 2010, I’ve adopted them as my NRL team, even managing to get to a game in 2018.

But in all honesty, stick any game on and I’ll watch it, no matter who’s playing.

So, what’s the story behind the website?

Well, I have a few simple aims:

  • To create a website that lists every Rugby League book ever published
  • To vent my spleen on anything and everything RL
  • To connect with fans of other clubs. There may be rivalries, but I’ve always found RL to be a far more welcoming and friendly game off the pitch than the likes of football, which is now a distant second for me when it comes to watching a game.

And as for the books part?

I’m fed up of searching online for Rugby League books, only to be bombarded with Rugby Union books by search engines and retailers. Google may have created a driverless car and turned your house into a scary, voice-activated vision of the future, yet it’s still not clever enough to distinguish between the two codes of Rugby, so I’ve had to do it myself.

Now, of course, the list of books on here isn’t exhaustive right now, but I promise that I’ll be constantly updating it, so keep checking back as there’ll be new/old ones being added all the time.

You can find out details about every book, submit reviews, and click through to our online partners to buy a copy for yourself.

And that’s just the start. You can expect regular blog posts, a book of the month feature, and plenty more, as we aim to become your go-to website for all things Rugby League.

If you want to find out more about us, just get in touch or check out the FAQs. And if you fancy writing a blog post for the website, just fill out the contact form and let me know. No experience needed!

Thanks for visiting!